


「24 Hours With Chloë Grace Moretz」の英語を眺める②

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4. 4:00 PM @ Boxing Studio, Hollywood

(Trainer) The biggest things is about protecting your knuckles and your wrists, and then making sure it's like solid. (Exactly. Let it go.)

(Chloë) I don't go breaking my own bones, just breaking your bones.

(Trainer) Just breaking whatever you need to. (Make a fist.)







I really started training my body at a young age, especially when I did kick ass. It kinda of opened me up to the world of movement. And one thing I found really empowering was, you know, fight training and boxing and kickboxing. And it allowed me to find not just, you know, strength and rhythm, but also allow me to find kind of a gravity within myself, no matter how crazy my world gets or my day gets, or you know, my hour gets, it's an amount of time that I can kind of take to myself and feel what it feels like to, to connect with my body and my soul and get my center. I think at a young age, I kind of realized exactly what I wanted to stand for and who I wanted to stand for and not just speak for myself, but to, you know, use my platform as a microphone and a spotlight for those that might not have the ability or the opportunity to have that.




When I turned 18, I realized a lot about myself that I hadn't worked through and I jumped into therapy twice a week and I stopped acting for a year. And I got back into working out. I stopped training for like two years before that. And I think I really lost my, my balance. You know, my footing when I came out, the other side of that, you know, about 20 years old, I felt that I not only was able to speak my truth, but I was able to stand up for what I really believe in on a daily basis.




Over the last year, I've gone through a lot, being in Mother/Android was something that I needed that outlet I craved to be back on set. I craved to be back into a character shoes, or director and writer. Mattson Tomlin wrote this about his family, you know, and his parents who went through the Romanian Revolution in the eighties. And he was given up for adoption. This baby belly that I wore was 21 pounds.I had never experienced that before. And then, you know, doing these scenes and I would just look over at Matt and see him there. And you know, he's a standing representation of this whole thing. And it was one of the most incredible experiences in my career. Like it changed me as a person in lots of ways.


(雑訳)この1年間、妊婦役を演じることで多くのことを経験したし、この役を演じるために早くセットに戻りたいと強く思ったの。脚本家のMattson Tomlinは彼の家族のことについて書いていて、彼の両親は80年代にルーマニア革命を経験して、彼は養子に出されたの。妊婦に見えるように着たシリコンのお腹は21ポンド(約10kg)で、こんな経験したことなかったわ。シーンを撮影している中、Mattを見るの、だって彼はこの物語の象徴だから。自分のキャリアの中でとても素晴らしい経験の一つだったわ。人として成長させてくれたと思うの。



