


映画「THE BATMAN」(予告編)の英語を眺める


でお馴染みの(?)映画「THE BATMAN」の公開(2022年3月11日)までおよそ2週間になりました。最初の予告編が公開されたとき(2020年8月!)からずっと楽しみにしていたので、いよいよかとドキドキが止まりません。今回はそんな「THE BATMAN」の予告編の英語を見ていこうと思います。


1. The Batman - DC FanDome Teaser


(Gordon)  "From your secret friend. Who? Haven't a clue? Let's play a game just me and you..." Any of this mean anything to you?  

(Alfred) you're becoming quite a celebrity. Why's he writing to you?

(Riddler) If you're justice, please do not lie. What is the price for your blind eye?

(mob) The hell are you supposed to be?

(Batman) I'm vengeance.

(Penguin) Whoa! This guy's crazy.

(Riddler) you're a part of this, too.

(Batman) How am I a part of this?

(Riddler) You'll see.





2. The Batman - Main Trailer


(police) Police! Hands up! Stay still! Get outta here!

(Gordon) Fear is a tool. (And) when that light hits the sky... It's not just a call. It's a warnig.

(Riddler) I've been trying to reach you.

(Batman) What have you done?

(Bruce/Batman) This is a powder keg and Riddler's the match.

(Catwoman) I can take care of myself.

(Alfred) If this continues, it won't be long before you've nothing left.

(Bruce/Batman) I don't care what happens to me.

(Catwoman) It's only gonna get worse for you.

(Penguin) Oh! Take it easy, sweetheart. You're everything they say, ain't ya?

(Catwoman) Maybe we're not so different. Who are you under there?

(Batman) I'm vengeance.

(Riddler) What's black and blue and dead, all over? ...You.

(Alfred) Dear God.

(Penguin) I got you.



「powder keg」は火薬が入った樽のことで、比喩的に「一触即発の状況、場所」を意味します。ここではRiddlerがマッチ(火をつける、つまり大惨事を引き起こすきっかけになる存在)だと言っています。「I've been trying to reach you.」は便利な表現で、ずっと探していた上司や学校の先生に言ってあげましょう。


3. The Batman - TV spot


(Riddler) What's black and blue and dead, all over? ...You.

(Bruce/Batman) This is a powder keg and Riddler's the match.

(Penguin) Oh! Take it easy, sweetheart. 

(Riddler) I've been trying to reach you.

(Batman) What have you done?

(Alfred) If this continues, it won't be long before you've nothing left.

(Bruce/Batman) I don't care what happens to me.

(Catwoman) (Maybe) we're not so different. Who are you under there?

(Batman) I'm vengeance.



「What have you done?」の音声が2. The Batman - Main Trailerと変わっていますね。


4. The Batman - The Bat and The Cat Trailer

(lady) Bruce Wayne?

(Bruce) I'm sorry?

(lady) I wouldn't be bothering you here, but your people keep telling me you're unavailable. You know, you really could be doing more for this city. Your family has a history of philanthropy, but as far as I can tell, you're not doing anything.

 (Gordon) The Riddler is asking for you.

(Alfred) The killer left this for the Batman. Why is he writing to you?

(Riddler) You came. I've been trying to reach you.

(Catwoman) Riddler's latest.  It's all about the Wayne's. If we don't stand up, no one will.

(Batman) You got a lot of cats.

(Catwoman) I have a thing about strays. The Bat and the Cat. It's got a nice ring.

(Alfred) A new friend of yours? 

(Bruce) I'm not so sure.

(Riddler) I'm just here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city. You are a part of this, too.

(police) Hands up! Stay still!

(Batman) How am I a part of this?

(Riddler) Oh, you're really not as smart as I thought you were. Bruce ...Wayne.

(Bruce) All these years you lied to me, Alfred.

(Alfred)We all have our scars, Bruce. You're still a Wayne.

(Police/commissioner? ) He's involved in this?

(Gordon) No, he's not involved.

(Police/commissioner?) How do you know?He's a vigilante!

(Catwoman) Who are you under there? What are you hiding?

(Batman) Selina, don't throw your life away.

(Catwoman)Don't worry, honey. I got nine of 'em.

(Riddler) It can be cruel, poetic, or blind. But when it's denied, it's your violence you may find.

(Batman) Justice. The answer's justice.

(Catwoman) Come on, vengeance. Let's get into some trouble.





5.  おわりに


